Robert Althuis
3 min readDec 26, 2023
Human Being Field Guide

The human experience here on Earth is not much different from a game simulation we voluntarily enter. This is why it’s often called the “dream of Life” in many spiritual wisdom teachings.

Here’s how it works:

1. We are each a fractal of Source Consciousness which we could also call God, Creator, Great Spirit, Brahman, Yahweh, Allah, Oversoul, the Supreme Being, The All and the list goes on. If any of those words trouble you, substitute it with Universe and we’re still talking about the same thing.

2. This fractal — your Soul or Atman in Vedic traditions — is given a bio suit we call a body so it can exist here on the Earthly realm and go about playing around with form and matter. This physical body is your “Human Avatar” in this round of the dream of Life.

3. This Human Avatar is equipped with a brain which produces the Mind while it’s “alive” in the dream of Life. The Mind is linked with the five observatory senses, this is how we take in data from the virtual reality around us in the dream of Life. The Mind’s opinions and perspective on this data is relayed back into our body via the nervous system — we call those emotions.

4. From birth, the Mind accumulates, processes, and stores all data that comes in. Over time, this Mind forms ideas and beliefs about the virtual reality it believes to be both real and observing objectively. It’s not, the dream of Life only exists in thought-form — hence it’s not “real” — and everything the Mind forms in terms of ideas and beliefs is subjective by definition.

5. The Mind creates an illusory image of itself which is called the Ego or persona. This Ego, itself a fiction of imagination of the Mind, thinks and believes it is the belief system the Mind has created from the data. This is exactly how you can be entirely “immersed” in the dream of Life and think you are your body, emotions, and persona called John or Sally or what have you.

6. Then, you go about your merry way “living your life” in this virtual reality which is truly a dream of Life. You think all of it is “real” and play that game right along based on your belief system.

7. Until you’ve exhausted that level of play in the dream of Life virtual reality simulation, and then the Universe “opens up” a higher, more elite level of play to you. It “awakens” you from the dream of Life while keeping you within the dream of Life. Now, the self-realization is revealed that you’re not this Ego, or your Mind and its belief system, or your emotions, or even your body.

These are all part of your Human Avatar which allow you to “exist” in this dream of Life; what you actually are is the fractal that’s observing all of this.

And, with this self-realization, the real game within this dream of Life has begun — the ascension of your Soul to rise in goodness and purity — Sattva — until there’s no more reason to come back into the dream of Life as you have actualized your complete self-realization.

Until such time of this initial self-realization (also called “awakening”), you’re spiritually innocent for all the wars, violence, hate, racism, bigotry, and all those other ugly things human beings do, create, and participate in. How could it be any other way, as all you’re really guilty of is being unaware you’re in the dream of Life.

After, however, this spiritual innocence becomes spiritual ignorance and you will be dinged major points for any and all words, thoughts, and actions that violate the sacredness all of Creation within this dream of Life.

There’s no rush, you may join the real game whenever you feel ready.

Once you see, you cannot unsee.





Robert Althuis
Robert Althuis

Written by Robert Althuis

An Ivy league educated executive & successful entrepreneur, Robert is now a sought-after Spiritual Mentor, Speaker, and Author of Love+Truth & Never Enoughitis

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