With the Principle of Correspondence the progenitor of Hermetism — Hermes Trismegistus — revealed the fundamental grand architecture of our reality. For this reason, many consider this Principle an essential keystone to internalize all others.
“As above, so below” refers to the “Heavens” and “Earth” in the very same way Taoism does except “Heavens” here is not the romanticized end destination for being a good boy or girl that Christianity promulgates. Heavens refers to the ethers, the metaphysical realm, or the higher non-physical dimensions of formless Consciousness.
Earth then is not just the amalgamation of atoms and molecules of Newtonian physics, but instead Consciousness expressed into form which in quantum physics is the particle (“quanta”) transmuting itself from the wave state into the particle state whereby it locks into space and time and becomes what we experience as “the finite world of form.”
In other words, atoms and molecules are Consciousness expressed into form.
In Vedic wisdom traditions, the word “Maya” refers to the veil of illusion which is the premise we cannot see beyond the world of form or the material world. What this points at exactly is that through our five senses we can only experience Consciousness expressed into form and we “mistake” — i.e. are lost in the illusion — this form as being material in nature and the only thing that’s “real.”
It’s not, all form is Consciousness expressing itself into form meaning its true nature is energy. The other expression of Consciousness is the wave state which is formless. Kinetic energy (form) vs potential energy (formless). Both are real, except only one we experience as “real” through our five senses and mental perception of reality.
Next up “as within, so without” directly points at the immutable law that we each create our own reality through the psycho-cybernetic feedback loop of our vibrational resonance and our perception of the reality we’re experiencing. Our frequency within, through the law of vibration, corresponds with unmanifested Consciousness that permeates this entire universe without and whichever events, circumstances, people, or material profits correspond with our frequency within then manifests into our reality.
In that sense, we’re magnets. Like-kind energy attracts like-kind energy and repels all others.
Our perception of the reality we’re experiencing completes this feedback loop. This is why our prevailing beliefs about ourselves, life in general, and the world at large — whether positive or negative — inevitably manifests as our experienced reality. As within, so without explains why NLP done properly can be so powerful — change your beliefs and your Outer World will change. This is by operation of universal law, not good luck or a favorable roll of the dice.
“As the universe, so the Soul” is the real biggie. In Hermetic teachings, the universe is a metaphor for The All which if you recall from the first part of this series is God, Creator, Yahweh, Monad, etc. or whichever label you prefer. If you also recall, All (of Consciousness, whether formless or expressed into form) is within The All and equally The All is within All.
Your and everyone else’s Soul is an individuated yet undivided part of The All. You are The All expressed into an individuated aspect of Consciousness meaning — unequivocally — that your true essence is of a Divine nature as The All is Divinity itself.
Finally, since All is Consciousness expressed into either the formless or form state, All is one unified whole which underscores another universal Truth that can be retraced into virtually every ancient wisdom tradition: All Is One.
Next up will be The Principle of Vibration and we’ll get to connect yet more spiritual philosophy dots.
Stay tuned for the 3rd Hermetic Principle.