While the 2024 elections are drawing to a close and societal tensions are reaching a fever pitch, very few realize they are merely participating in the elections who gets to run the plantation the next four years.
While we cherish the belief that the U.S. (and most of the Western developed countries) are noble democracies, the harsh reality is that the “land of the free” functions and operates more like a mega plantation than anything else.
Let me explain.
Despite all the optics like a profound Constitution and such venerable institutions like the Supreme Court, there are really only three classes of people and life on and within the plantation is very different for each of them.
First, there are the plantation owners of which there are very few. Let’s say it’s 1% to use whole numbers, but just know this is rounding up generously. These plantation owners are not only free to move about, but they are above the law.
Second, there’s a relatively small group of plantation managers — roughly 20% of the plantation population. This section views themselves as part of the ruling class, yet they merely live in the carefully curated illusion they’re free. In reality, they’re captives of the plantation also.
Third, there is the overwhelming majority — at about 80% of the plantation population — who make up the indentured slave class. Deep down, they have no real illusions they’re free — they merely hope and pray for the benevolence of the plantation managers and owners to make life somewhat bearable for them.
I know, all of this begs for a much deeper examination — let’s do so starting from the bottom and working our way up the hierarchy.
The only way you can control a vast majority is by keeping them ignorant, convince them they’re inferior and powerless, pacify them with bread and circuses, and create chains of indentured servitude.
All of these elements were integral to why the slave class didn’t universally revolt against the plantation managers and owners in the original thirteen colonies. Mind you, there are plenty of historic accounts where individual or small bands of slaves did bravely revolt — but the masses didn’t. Slaves were educated to have useful skills for their tasks and duties on the plantation, but they were kept ignorant otherwise as the cultivation of sovereign critical thought would have been planting the seeds for an inevitable mass mutiny and revolt.
We see this same phenomenon today in our entire school system which is designed to mass produce standardized cogs to go into the wheel of the system. Sovereign critical thought is not just discouraged, it’s practically frowned upon as unpatriotic and disruptive to the machine. Ignorance is designed into the system as the system needs a steady and predictable inflow of new workers who will also be mindless consumers so as to perpetuate the system.
Similarly, the original slaves were indoctrinated with the premise that they were an inferior race and powerless at the same time. The tool most used was violence and harsh punishment. This Machiavellian practice has been used since antiquity as rulers have known for millennia that one can quite readily subdue a very large crowd by just picking out a few of them and brutalize them in public. There’s a reason all slaves were made to observe slave whippings.
While the practice of public slave whippings has fortunately been abandoned and outlawed, they have been substituted with other forms of “indoctrination” which are just as effective, maybe even more so.
First off, there’s a relentless propaganda machine called marketing and entertainment whose primary purpose is to inform the masses who and what to idolize and envy which is a very powerful way of subordination and deep seeding a sense of inferiority. The rich and famous — whether titans, celebrities, or athletes — and their luxury lifestyles are put on a pedestal as the epitome of success and accomplishment.
The machine is purposefully designed to seed envy, so you seek your solace in striving to copy the lifestyle of these idols. This alone is sufficient to get the masses firmly lodged on the hamster wheel of forever working to ever-more consume without ever pausing to reflect on why they’re on this hamster wheel in the first place.
The second part of this propaganda machine is to reinforce the subtle notion that you could be one of them but only if you’re as special as them. The psyops here is to make sure you don’t quite feel defeated as that would have you get off the hamster wheel, but sufficiently convinced you’re inferior and effectively powerless as you’re just not as special as “them.”
Of course, the only thing that makes you not “special” is that you’re not as rich or famous which, for all intents and purposes, says absolutely nothing about the actual worth of a person but they need you to believe it says everything.
Next up is bread and circuses. The original slaves who stayed in compliance were granted some liberties to entertain themselves and sufficiently fed so they stayed healthy enough to work on the plantation. What originated as slave entertainment among the enslaved would later give birth to what we now know as blues and jazz music. Slaves were also granted some escape into religion as the owners knew hope has a way of keeping otherwise desolate people alive, but not their own as the religion itself was prescribed by the plantation owner. There is also ample evidence plantation owners routinely doled out rum and whiskey, there’s even accounts of slaves having drinking contests and the like. Of course, this had nothing to do with the well-being of the slaves, it was just an effective tool to numb their pain and miserable existence and subdue them from revolting.
On the account of the poison called alcohol, nothing has really changed. Not only is alcoholism itself obscured from the readily preventable addiction it truly is, the health and societal implications of functional alcoholics reaches far and wide. But it’s both highly profitable and a potent numbing agent so nothing to see here. Further bread and circuses are made readily available for the masses through 24/7 sports voyeurism, legalized gambling and betting, around-the-clock entertainment to promote passive binge watching, carefully curated social media vitriol, and the list goes on and on.
The plantation is designed for the masses to succumb to numbing agents and escapisms of all kinds. It wants you to know all the meaningless statistics of the third base player of your favorite baseball team and the latest rumors of your favorite celebrity couple. Occasionally, it will also publicly sacrifice a celebrity “lamb” — e.g. P. Diddy — so you have ample gore and disgust to revel in and the other celebrity lambs are put on notice to stay in line. Basically, this provides endless entertainment for the masses much like public executions used to and it serves as a powerful deterrent for all the others that know the owners have dirt on them too.
Give them bread and circuses — this tried-and-true recipe has been highly effective since the glory days of the Roman empire. All that has changed is that it has become much more technologically advanced and, hence, an even more effective tool to control the masses who willingly let themselves be numbed this way.
That brings us to chains of indentured servitude which in the old slavery days were literally steel chains and such other dehumanizing practices like buying and selling slaves like cattle. Slaves then would do all they can to stay in favor as to not be sold off and separated from their loved ones and all they had ever known.
We don’t do that anymore, not directly anyway, but this is mostly because another form of highly effective chains was invented — debt. The plantation owners — readily assisted by their plantation manager class — want you to assume as much debt as you can possibly gorge on as they know there is no more effective way to render you indentured to the plantation. Ironically, the plantation manager class is in the same predicament except most don’t realize it as their life has more comforts and they’re allowed to go to the same hotels and restaurants as the owners. Again, this is no different from the manager class of European origins who managed the plantations of old — although deep down they at least knew they were not the same as the plantation owner. But life here was generally at least marginally better than the one they escaped in Europe so for the most part they surrendered to their fate in all of this — more special and much better off than the slave class, but not as special as the owner.
This is a good segue to divert our attention to this plantation manager class which we know today as the politicians, successful entrepreneurs, top brass executives, doctors, lawyers, and all the grossly overpaid “financiers” who make sure the financial plumbing system flushes money around swift and smooth for the ultimate benefit of the plantation owners. For this crucial custodial role over the money system, these financiers have permission to cream off a few basis points which on the vast sums of money flowing through this financial plumbing system amounts to monstrous paydays by anyone’s account, except of course the plantation owners themselves.
For the sake of convenience, we can label this whole manager class the millionaire class as per a study of the Federal Reserve in 2022 roughly 18% of the U.S. plantation residents have a net worth of $1 million or higher. Mind you, this manager class also counts many billionaires as vast wealth alone doesn’t get you enrolled in the highly exclusive plantation owner club but more on that later.
As mentioned, most — if not all — of this millionaire class is just as captive to the plantation owners as the slave class. While they enjoy the “good” life and often opulent lifestyles, they are typically still mired in debt and fully exposed to the ebbs and flows of the market over which they have very little real control in terms of dictating what happens when politically, economically, or culturally. Unbeknownst to themselves, they are still just puppets with little idea who the real puppet masters are as they’re simply not in that club. Very few will eventually make it into that club, but most simply never will. Most will come to believe they’re the special ones and compared to the slave class it would certainly appear that way.
This is all by ingenious design as the plantation owners want the millionaire class to be the front and public face of the franchise and for the slave class to see them as the special ones. The reason is very simple, they need a beholden and well-gluttonized wealthy class to run and operate the system and a pacified indentured slave class to do the hard labor and dirty work, so the plantation is perpetuated.
Here’s the crux of all of that, the manager class and slave class are each within the plantation system, but the plantation owners are outside this whole system — they are the puppet masters obscured from sight pulling the strings and pushing the pieces around within the system from being above it altogether.
This, of course, then begs the question of who these plantation owners might be and how do they manage to keep all this a secret for centuries. While there have been many venerable names — e.g. the Rothschilds, the Windsors, and the Rockefellers — associated with the ultra-exclusive plantation owner club, the fact is it’s very hard to really know because they don’t want you and I to know. What we can know is the plantation owners prefer to operate in the shadows and as far away from the public eye as possible. This is not hard to accomplish when you are the puppet masters of the plantation so trust me when I say you and I only know what they’re okay with you and I knowing.
Everyone well-known or even famous is not part of the plantation owner fraternity, it’s that simple. Like a well-played puppet show, the plantation owners want you to get lost in the story, so you don’t even notice the “strings” anymore. These strings are there though for all to see so we can know they’re there and we can ascertain without any doubt that someone or something is pulling these strings.
We can actually leave it at that, as the most interesting question is not who these puppet masters might be but how we can each escape this plantation aka the system aka the Matrix.
To delve into how we can escape, we first need to understand what it really is we’re trying to escape. The plantation (aka the Matrix) is an abstract system — i.e. collective mental construct — which has evolved over millennia to govern human reality at the level of the material realm.
It’s important to note that we can only “escape” this material or physical realm by dying, even the plantation owners cannot escape it any other way. So, at the material level there’s no escaping the Matrix as the Matrix itself is not material in nature. Hence, there’s no amount of fame, power, or financial wealth (which are all physical forms) that will allow you to escape the Matrix.
The plantation or Matrix is a collective mental construct which is a morphic field which is defined as a nonmaterial, nonlocal, and invisible energetic field. Morphic fields are considered carriers of information and memories that are passed down from generation to generation while morphing as time passes.
All political, economic, cultural, and religious understandings of our shared reality are at their core just doctrines, theories, and belief systems. They’re not real in that they are all just made up by humans that lived before us or those in places of power and influence today. Documenting and codifying them into books, laws, regulations, institutions, religions, and academic fields of study doesn’t make them any more real. They derive their reality solely from the collective belief put into them.
Take something like national borders. This is a human invention as Nature knows no such abstract borders. They exist and we treat them like they are real because they’ve become part of the morphic field of humanity. Then again, we still fight and go to war over borders also and from-to-time these borders change because of it. So, borders are not real, they are at their core merely a collective mental construct.
The entire neoclassical theory of capitalism upon which most of the global economy now operates is also just a mental construct — literally a theory — that has been absorbed into the morphic field. The plantation mostly runs on this economical operating system but that’s not to say there are no other operating systems we could choose to run on. For instance, communism was another such mental construct operating system although it has largely faded into oblivion as it proved itself to devolve into “Animal Farm” as George Orwell forewarned.
Much like you can run a computer on different operating systems, so mankind can choose to design a new world that runs on a different operating system. The morphic field will simply update itself as it has done with all major shifts and transformations humanity has gone through since antiquity. But we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves now so let’s revert to this later.
To escape the Matrix as it stands today is possible, but we can only do so spiritually as even the morphic field — which is mental in nature — cannot be escaped as we’re part and parcel of it. Our mind is interconnected and inseparable from this morphic field, sending and retrieving data continuously. There’s a dynamic data interchange happening at all times between our own and everyone else’s mind with this morphic field. Carl Jung referred to this morphic field as the collective unconscious and postulated it to be humanity’s shared data bank or collective memory. None of this is exclusive to humans btw, as this phenomenon was also discovered by Japanese scientists studying monkeys and was later translated into the “100th monkey theorem.”
We can go much deeper and further into this, as all life on Earth and planet Earth herself interacts and is part of this morphic field of consciousness, whether we’re aware of it or not. But let’s stick to just humans as the Matrix or plantation part of the morphic field is exclusive to humans as it’s a human mental construct.
To summarize where we are now, we can’t escape the material realm physically as our body exists on this plane of reality. Similarly, we can’t escape mentally from the Matrix as it’s a mental construct that resides within the morphic field and our mind is part and parcel of this morphic field.
So, what does it mean that we can escape spiritually?
Well, we have to traverse a little deeper here to gain access to the understanding what this means. We are not our body or our mind, we have a body and we have a mind but our true or Higher Self is distinct from both of these. We can know this as “something” is aware of our body and that something is also aware of our thoughts. There is an “Observer” so to speak — an ever-present awareness — that has taken residency in our body and animates this human avatar bio suit with Life Force which is energy. This same Observer is also the awareness that’s aware of our conscious thoughts.
When we identify with these thoughts (and our body) and mistake them for who we are, we are said to be in an “unawakened state.” Awakening is the process by which we start to become aware of the Observer we truly are. Once awakened, we know ourselves as the Observer and the awareness which observes our thoughts and has a mind and body.
Humans have been awakening since time immemorial and it’s fundamental to many of the ancient wisdom teachings like Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism but also all major Indigenous wisdom traditions. It’s metaphorically referenced throughout the Bible and part of Gnosticism, Hermetism, and was central to the Egyptian mystery schools.
Here’s the crux we care about, in an unawakened state we have no access to our true Self which is the Observer (or, call it our Soul if you wish), and absent this access we have no way to liberate ourselves from our mind as we’re falsely identified with it. We simply cannot liberate or escape “that” which we believe we are.
Hence, in an unawakened state, humans cannot escape the Matrix or plantation no matter how much wealth or knowledge they might accumulate. Recall that the Matrix at its core is a mental construct which at the level of mind cannot be escaped as our mind is part and parcel of the morphic field within which the Matrix exists. Our mind is intertwined with the Matrix in the same way our body is intertwined with the material realm or physical reality.
This all changes once we awaken to the realization we are the Observer or the awareness that is aware of our mind and all its thought-forms. To be aware of the thought-forms, “you” cannot be the thought-form itself whereas as long as we identify with the thought-form we remain unawakened in the false belief we are the thought-form that occurs to us.
The spiritual escape hatch from the Matrix or plantation then is within awakening to our true Self. Once we awaken to being the Observer, we have accessed a level separate and distinct from our mind that’s intertwined with the Matrix itself — we have risen above the egoic mind and awakened to our true or Higher Self (aka the Observer or Soul).
Within this awakening, now a whole body of esoteric wisdom teachings and philosophy becomes spontaneously accessible to us.
For instance, the great Stoic philosopher Heraclitus said: “Those who are awake all live in the same world; those who are asleep live in their own world.”
Of course, what he’s pointing at here is that in our unawakened state, each person is “stuck” at whatever subjective limited perception they have in their mind of reality without any access to see the grand picture. Since this perception is inherently subjective, they each live in their own world.
Once we awaken, we gain access to see beyond the Matrix and our Material Reality and realize there is — in the axioms of Hermetic Philosophy — a Substantial Reality underlying our Material Reality which is Spirit which may be considered and thought of as a Universal, Infinite and Infinitely Intelligent, living Mind.
Other names commonly used for Spirit are God, Creator, Source, Yahweh, Monad, Brahman, Manitou, Tagaloa, Oversoul, Great Spirit, Universal Mind, or Quantum Field as the scientists refer to it. The list is endless as labels are just linguistic tools and labels don’t change the essence of the “thing” labeled. So, feel free to use whatever label has your preference.
When we speak of Substantial Reality we’re really speaking of Consciousness (aka Spirit) in its formless state. Our Material Reality — whether in the form of the phenomena of Life, matter, or energy — arises from this formless Consciousness and is therefore simply Consciousness expressed in manifest form. This is not fluffy woo woo stuff btw as such luminaries as quantum physicist David Bohm referred to these exact phenomena as the enfolded (i.e. unmanifest) and unfolded (i.e. manifest) states of the universe which lead him to conclude that “ultimately, the whole universe has to be understood as a single undivided whole.”
Let’s do one more just for fun.
The great Greek polymath Pythagoras is credited with stating: “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the Universe and God.”
Well, if everything in our Material Reality — inclusive of the phenomena of Life — has its origins in this Substantial Reality we just deciphered to be Spirit, then all within the Material Reality must be its creation and is therefore Divinity expressed into form. In the Bible this is worded as “God created man in his own image” which according to Genesis followed God creating the entire Material Reality in the preceding 5 days.
No matter what you prefer to call Spirit or which God you believe created our Material Reality, the fundamental truth that emerges is that all of creation originated in Spirit which renders all of it sacred and of a Divine nature and origins.
So, what Pythagoras was pointing at is that when we awaken to our true Self — i.e. “Know Thyself” — we discover our origins and get to reclaim our Divinity. Except, this reclamation cannot be made in isolation — to reclaim our Divinity, we must reclaim it for all of Creation. So, until we recognize the Divinity for all of Nature and all of mankind — including our foes, adversaries, and sworn enemies — we are not ready to reclaim our Divinity.
With all that said, let’s circle back now to the “US Mega Plantation” so we can connect all the dots and make some sense out of all of this.
Fundamentally, the plantation aka Matrix is a collective mental construct that most of mankind unknowingly perpetuates as it perceives and understands this Matrix to be real. It’s not real in the sense that it’s a collective mental construct which resides in the morphic field. Hence, it cannot be escaped physically or mentally, we can only escape — i.e. rise above — it spiritually.
To do so, we must awaken to our true Self and the Substantial Reality which we could understand as awakening to the “game Spirit plays” whereas the Matrix is merely the “game Man plays.”
The game Man plays is nested within the game Spirit plays, not vice versa. Hence, to rise above the game Man plays we must expand our understanding that the real game of Life itself is the game Spirit plays.
Once we awaken to the game Spirit plays, we are free to create within our Material Reality without being held captive by the ideologies and doctrines of the Matrix. The Matrix will not have necessarily changed, but our understanding of it will have shifted to such an extent we’re no longer owned or governed by it— we have reclaimed our sovereignty and freedom accorded to all of us under Natural law.
As history has taught us, all epochs and civilizations eventually come to a close where they make room for something new and more evolved to emerge.
The plantation days are numbered, we can see clear evidence of moral decay, destabilization, and increasing conflicts and chaos which are all telltale signs we’ve already entered the phase transition.
There’s no escaping phase transitions of epochs and civilizations, but there is the opportunity for everyone to choose to awaken. Those who do will be experiencing the upcoming times of systemic change as surfing an epic wave of change and transformation; those who don’t will see and experience these monster waves as a catastrophic disruption of all they have ever known.
The most important thing to know is we each have a choice to make.
We can awaken and become the creators and builders of the new “operating system” that will birth a better and more beautiful world for all or we can clamp on to what we know and perish with the plantation when its final hour has arrived.
Choose wisely.